
UNSW Disability Innovation Institute Podcast Season 3

In this episode, our Institute Director sits down with Dr Ariella Meltzer to discuss her latest research into information accessibility in the context of public health and natural disasters. 






We spoke to DIIU Associate Dr Georgia Van Toorn about her research into the emerging field of Automated Decision Making and its impact on the experiences of people with disability.

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United Against Algorithms: A primer on disability-led struggles against algorithmic injustice,15 April 2024 Dr Georgia van Toorn

We spoke to 2023 Students with Disabilities Officer Michael Rahme about some of the barriers faced by UNSW students with disabilities, what his role entails, and what he hopes to achieve this year.



Our Academic Lead Research Professor Iva Strnadová speaks to Justen Thomas and Benjamin Garcia-Lee about co-producing research with people with disability and how they used our guidelines Doing Research Inclusively: Co-Production in Action.

Iva Strnadová is a Professor in Special Education and Disability Studies at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. Her research aims to contribute to better understanding and the improvement of the life experiences of people with disabilities, especially people with intellectual disabilities. Combining research with advocacy is essential in her research program, which builds on supporting the self-determination (including self-advocacy) of people with intellectual disabilities, and is grounded in an innovative inclusive research approach, in which people with intellectual disabilities are included in the role of researcher.

Benjamin Garcia-Lee is a Scientia PhD scholar in the School of Education at UNSW Sydney. He is an experienced inclusive researcher and practitioner and is using an inclusive research approach in his PhD about what belonging means to people with intellectual disabilities experiencing multiple forms of marginalisation. He has been an advocate, social worker and ally for and with people with intellectual disabilities and complex support needs for close to a decade.

Justen Thomas is a trained peer-to-peer facilitator, advocate, and motivational speaker. He believes in raising the bar to achieve his goals and to inspire future generations to come. He has used his personal experiences of living with intellectual disability and coming in contact with the criminal justice system to inspire others to turn the negatives into positives and to make smart choices to stay on the right track. He works in the advocacy team at NSW Council for Intellectual Disabilities and as a co-researcher at UNSW.


UNSW Disability Innovation Institute Podcast Season 2

Guest: Professor Terry Cumming, the Institute's Academic Lead for Education and a Professor of Special Education in the UNSW Sydney School of Education.


Guests: Rosemary Kayess, the Institute's Academic Lead Engagement and the Chair of the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and Therese Sands, the Institute's Advisory Council Chair and disability advocate.


Guest: Nayonika Bhattacharya, UNSW Student Representative Council Present and Arts/Law student.



Institute Director Professor Jackie Leach Scully speaks to the Director of the UNSW Institute for Global Development, Dr George Varughese, and the Director of the Yuwaya Ngarra-li Partnership, Associate Professor Ruth McCausland.


We speak to Kalkutungu and South Sea Islander lawyer and researcher Peta MacGillivray and Gamilaraay Just Reinvest Mount Druitt manager Daniel Daylight about young Aboriginal people with disability and the criminal justice system.

UNSW DII Podcast S2E5 - Young Aboriginal people with disability and the criminal justice system - Transcript


UNSW Disability Innovation Institute Podcast Season 1

Guests: Graeme Innes AM, the chair of the Insititute's Advisory Council, a human rights practitioner with 30 years' experience, Australia's Disability Discrimination Commissioner between 2005 and 2014, company director and lawyer, and a well-known public speaker; and Rosemary Kayess, the Academic Lead Engagement for the Institute, a human rights lawyer in UNSW's Faculty of Law & Justice, and the chair of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Guest: Professor Iva Strnadová, the Institute's Academic Lead for Research and a Professor of Special Education and Disability Studies in the UNSW Sydney School of Education.