As the Sydney lockdown continues and pandemic measures spread to the rest of the country, most people are working from home again. Some of us at UNSW have not been on campus for weeks or months.
The UNSW Disability Innovation Institute joins with a number of international disabled people's organisations to express concern about people with disability in Afghanistan.
Here we are again in a Sydney midwinter, and once more in lockdown. Like almost everyone else the UNSW Disability Innovation Institute team are all working from home again, and it does sometimes feel like Groundhog Day.
Rosemary Kayess and Jackie Leach Scully from the UNSW Disability Innovation Institute have worked alongisde Therese Sands from Women with Disabilities Australia (WWDA) to produce a response to the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and
The possibility of manipulating the genetic makeup of living organisms has been discussed for many decades but always remained in the realm of science fiction, largely because the available methods were inefficient and unpredictable.
Last month we were able to break the news that colleagues from the DIIU and from Sydney Children’s Hospital successfully applied for funding from NSW Ministry of Health to support research into the provision of genetic services to people with
This month we interviewed Emeritus Professor Leanne Dowse, DIIU's Associate Director and Chair in Intellectual Disability and Behaviour Support at UNSW.
The DIIU’s new research project, funded by the NSW Ministry of Health, brings our expertise in inclusive methods to an emerging area of interest: genomic healthcare and disability.
May each year marks two days of significance to those interested in equality and justice: the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobiaand Transphobia (IDAHOBIT), on 17 May, and
Although short, the Easter break meant that early April was relatively quiet for the DIIU. Shortly before that, however, we were able to present our first webinar of 2021.
On paper at least, Australia’s coronavirus vaccination programme prioritizes people living in specialist disability and aged care settings in phase 1a, and shortly after people with certain disabilities and health conditions in phase 1b.